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International Partners

Notice of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Education Mathematics Professional Committee of the China Society of Higher Education

Author: Publish: 2023-08-02 View:

The General Assembly of the Education Mathematics Professional Committee of the China Society of Higher Education and the Academic Annual Meeting on "The Inheritance of Mathematical Culture and the Reflection and Practice of Cultivating Core Mathematical Literacy" will be held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province from July 18th to 20th, 2018. The relevant matters of the academic annual meeting are notified as follows:

1. Organizers:

Sponsor: Education Mathematics Professional Committee of the China Society of Higher Education, Harbin Engineering University

Organizer: College of Science, Harbin Engineering University

Cooperation: Central South Publishing & Media Group Hunan New Textbook Co., Ltd.

2. Theme of the Annual Meeting:

The implementation of educational mathematics and core literacy in classroom teaching and teacher development

3. Main Contents of the Annual Meeting:

1. Research and sharing on the theme "The implementation of educational mathematics and core literacy in classroom teaching and teacher development" (including special invited academic keynote reports by famous experts and scholars, detailed report content attached);

2. Exchange of achievements in higher mathematics and fundamental (elementary) mathematics teaching reform;

3. Academic paper exchange and awards based on the content of the exchanges;

4. Annual work report of the Executive Council, addition of members, directors, and executive council members;

5. Construction and development of the society;

6. Elections for the new session of the society.