Study with us




Supervisor Qualification

□ Doctor

■ Master


College of Mathematical Sciences

Degree Programs

□ Doctor:

■ Master: Pure and Applied Mathematics

Supervision Language

■Chinese; ■English; □Russian; □French





■Harbin; □Qingdao; □Yantai; □Hainan

College of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University

Recruitment Plan

Of Each Year

Doctor: ____ persons; Master:__1_persons


Research Fields

for International Students

The main research directions include quantum information and computation, quantum resource theory, quantum network theory and operator space theory.

Educational Background

KIM SUNHO, from South Korea, graduated from Zhejiang University with a degree in Mathematics and obtained a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics.

Work Experience

1) Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2016.09~2018.06, already completed.

2) Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor, Harbin Engineering University, 2019.03~present.


Academic Achievements

Published over 10 SCI-indexed papers in journals such as Physical Review A, Physics Letters A, and Quantum Information and Computation. Hosted the completion of 1 National Natural Science Foundation project and participated in 2 National Science Foundation projects.



Supervisor Qualification

□ Doctor



College of Mathematical Science

Degree Programs

□ Doctor:


Supervision Language

□Chinese; √English; □Russian; □French





√Harbin; □Qingdao; □Yantai; □Hainan

Recruitment Plan

Of Each Year

Doctor: ____ persons; Master:__1__persons


Research Fields

for International Students

Numerical solving for partial deferentialequations

Numerical solving for engineering

Educational Background

2019-2020 Visiting scholar, Ohio State University, USA

2010-2014 Doctor, School of Automation, Harbin Engineering University

2002-2005 Master degree,College of Mathematical Sciences, Heilongjiang University

1998-2002 Bachelor's Degree, College of Mathematical Sciences, Heilongjiang University

Work Experience

Jun. 2020.-present, Associate Professor, College of Mathematical Science

2019.03-2020.03 Visiting Scholar, Ohio State University, USA

2007.07-2020.06 Lecturer, College of Mathematical Sciences,

2005.07-2007.06 Assistant, College of Mathematical Sciences


Academic Achievements

Scientific research:

•January 2018 -- December 2019, "Basic Scientific Research Promotion Plan" of

Harbin Engineering University, project leader, concluded.

•2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China -- Tianyuan Fund Project,

project leader, concluded.

•From 2010 to 2020, Project of "Central Universities' Basic Scientific Research

Operating Expenses" for many times.

Paper publication:

[1] Model and Algorithm for Wood Moisture Content Detection by Capacitance Sensor,Lead author,2013。(SCI)

[2] Model and a New Numerical Method Based on the Problem of Lumber Moisture Content Detection,Lead author,2014。(EI)

[3] The Non-destructive Testing Model of Wood Moisture Content by Capacitance Sensor,Lead author,2013。(EI)

[4] The Boundary Element Method of Testing Wood Moisture Content Problem in The Heterogeneous and Asymmetric Case,Lead author,2013。(EI)

[5] Mathematical Model and Application Research of Planar Capacitive Sensors under Non uniform Conditions,Second author,2013。(Top Journal)

[6] Cui Guo, Wenjing Xue, Yinglin Wang, Zhixin Zhang. A new implicit nonlinear discrete schemefor Rosenau-Burgers equationbased on multipleintegral finite volume method[J]. AIP Advances,2020.10(4):1-9.(SCI)

[7] Cui Guo, Fang Li, Wenping Zhang, Yuesheng Luo. A conservative numerical scheme for Rosenau-RLW equation based on multiple integral finite volume method[J]. Boundary Value Problems,2019,11:325-331..(SCI)

[8] Cui Guo, FangLi, WenpingZhang, YueshengLuo. A new method to construct two-layer implicit scheme for burgers equation[J]. Science of Advanced Materials, 2019,11:325-331.(SCI)

[9] Yuesheng Luo, Xiaole Li, Cui Guo. Fourth-order compact and energy conservative scheme for solving nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation[J]. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2017,33(4):1283–1304.(SCI)

[10] Li Fang, Guo Cui. Application of a new finite volume method to Burgers equation[J]. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2017,154:440-443.


Xinwang Liu

Supervisor Qualification

□ Doctor

√ Master


Degree Programs

□ Doctor:

√ Master:

Supervision Language

√Chinese; √English; □Russian; □French





√Harbin; □Qingdao; □Yantai; □Hainan

Recruitment Plan

Of Each Year

Doctor: __0__ persons; Master:__1__persons


Research Fields

for International Students

Computational Marine Hydrodynamics; Comprehensive Performance Optimization of Ship and Offshore Structures

Educational Background

1.2016.9-2021.9, Major in Ship and Offshore Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.

2.2012.9-2016.6, Major in Ship and Offshore Engineering, School of Marine Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, B.S.

Work Experience

1.2022.7-Present, College of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University, M.S. Supervisor

2.2021.9-Present, College of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University, Lecturer


Academic Achievements

[1] Lei L, Liu X*, Yang G. Unsupervised time-frequency environment perception model for underwater vehicle in irregular ocean[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 275: 114086.

[2] Liu X, Wan D, Lei L. Multi-fidelity model and reduced-order method for comprehensive hydrodynamic performance optimization and prediction of JBC ship[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 267: 113321.

[3] Lei L, Liu X*, Yang G. Incremental residual learning-based dynamic modeling and stability analysis for multipower underwater vehicles[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 178: 105088.

[4] Liu X, Zhao W, Wan D. Multi-fidelity Co-Kriging surrogate model for ship hull form optimization[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 243: 110239.

[5] Liu X, Zhao W, Wan D. Linear reduced order method for design-space dimensionality reduction and flow-field learning in hull form optimization[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 237: 109680.

[6] Liu X, Zhao W, Wan D. Hull form optimization based on calm-water wave drag with or without generating bulbous bow[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2021, 116: 102861.

[7] Liu X, Zhao W, Wan D. Optimization of the roll motion for box-shaped hull section with anti-rolling sloshing tanks and fins in beam waves[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(4): 688-697.

[8] Liu X, Chen S, Zhao W, et al. Liutex-based centripetal force field model for improving the resistance and wake performances of JBC ship sailing in calm water[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(3): 494-502.


Hongmei Yao

Supervisor Qualification

□ Doctor

√ Master


Department of mathematics

Degree Programs

□ Doctor:


Supervision Language

√Chinese; √English; □Russian; □French





√Harbin; □Qingdao; □Yantai; □Hainan

Recruitment Plan

Of Each Year

Doctor: ____ persons; Master:_2___persons


Research Fields

for International Students

Quantum information and computation, Tensor analysis

Educational Background

2008/03–2012/10, Harbin Institute of Technology,

Basic Mathematics, PhD

2003/09 – 2006/07, Heilongjiang University, Applied mathematics, Master

1999/09–2003/07, Heilongjiang University, Mathematics and

applied mathematics, Bachelor

Work Experience

2019.08 - present, Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences

2018.09-2019.09, Visiting Scholar, William Mary College, United States

2008.07-2019.07 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, School of

Science, Harbin Engineering University,

2006/07-2008/07, Teaching assistant, Mathematics Department, School of Science


Academic Achievements

[1] H.M. Yao, Z. Li, L.X. Chen, C.J. Bu,New Brualdi-type eigenvalue inclusion sets for tensors, Linear Algebra and its Applications,2021,614: 343-355.

[2] H.M. Yao, Li Ma, C.M. Liu, C.J. Bu,Brualdi-type inclusion sets of Z-eigenvalues and l^k,s-singular values for tensors, Front. Math. China 2020, 15(3): 601–612.

[3] H.M. Yao, C. Zang, L. Liu, J. Zhou, C.J. Bu, Singular value inclusion sets of rectangular tensors, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2019.09, 576:181-199.

[4] H.M. Yao, B.S. Long, C.J. Bu, J. Zhou.Front. Math. China, 2016, 11(3): 605-622.

[5] H.M. Yao, L. Liu, C.J. Bu. Tensor products and hyperdeterminants of boundary format products. Linear Algebra Appl., 2015, 483: 1-20.

[6] J.L. Xu,B.D. ZhengandH.M. Yao. Linear transformations between multipartite quantum systems that map the set of tensor product of idempotent matrices into idempotent matrix set. Journal of Function Spaces and Application, 2013:1-7.

[7] J. Zhou, L.Z. Sun, H.M. Yao and C.J. Bu. On the nullity of connected graphs with least eigenvalue at least -2. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2013,7: 250-261.

[8] C.G. Cao, Y.L. Ge and H.M. Yao. Maps preserving classical adjoint of matrix products. Linear and Mutilinear Algebra, 2013, 61(12): 1593-1604.

[9] H.M. Yao and B.D. Zheng. Zero triple product determined matrix algebras. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012: 1-18.

[10] H.M. Yao, C.G. Cao and X. Zhang. Additive preservers of idempotence and Jordan homorphisms between rings of square matrices. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2009, 25(4): 639-648.


Ling Huanzhang

Supervisor Qualification

□ Doctor

☑ Master


College of Mathematical Sciences

Degree Programs

□ Doctor:

☑ Master:

Supervision Language

☑Chinese; ☑English; □Russian; □French





☑Harbin; □Qingdao; □Yantai; □Hainan

Recruitment Plan

Of Each Year

Doctor: ____ persons; Master: 1 persons


Research Fields

for International Students

Data Science, Intelligent Optimization

Educational Background

(1) From September 2009 to December 2016, Ph.D. in Systems Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

(2) September 2006 to July 2008, Harbin Engineering University, applied mathematics, Master

(3) September 2000 to July 2004, Harbin Engineering University, Mathematics and applied mathematics, Bachelor

Work Experience

(1) From May 2019 to present, Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University

(2) Associate Professor, School of Science, Harbin Engineering University, from June 2017 to May 2019

(3) From June 2008 to June 2017, lecturer, School of Science, Harbin Engineering University

(4) From September 2004 to June 2008, Faculty of Science, Harbin Engineering University, Teaching Assistant


Academic Achievements

(1) Wu, Jianfa; Peng, Dahao; Li, Zhuping; Zhao, Li; Ling, Huanzhang ; Network Intrusion Detection Based on a General Regression Neural Network Optimized by an Improved Artificial Immune Algorithm, PLOS ONE, 2015, 3(10).

(2) Ling, Huanzhang; Luo, Yuesheng; Xu, Man ; Meticulous restricted equivalent transformation on singular systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015, 334(1): 961-966.