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International Partners

The 8th Representation Theory International Conference (July 8th-12th, 2019, Harbin) Second Round Announcement

Author: Publish: 2023-08-02 View:

According to the decision of the organizing committee of the 7th Representation Theory International Conference, the 8th Representation Theory International Conference will be held in Harbin from July 8 to 12, 2019, hosted by Harbin Engineering University. The main purpose of the conference is to allow experts from around the world in the field of representation theory to share the latest research findings, discuss new research directions, and promote the interdisciplinary development of representation theory with other related fields of mathematics. The conference topics will cover representation theory (including finite groups, Lie groups, Lie algebras, algebraic groups, quantum groups, finite-dimensional algebras, and representations of quivers), topology, number theory, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, and more.